Important Links
Finding what you’re looking for on the internet can be quite a daunting task. We’ve made it a little easier by selecting a few of our favorite sites.

Our Top Information & Resources
Use this form to determine employee’s federal income tax withholding. This form requires Adobe PDF Reader. If you do not have it, you may download it here.
All employees must complete this form at time of hire for the Immigration and Naturalization Service. This form requires Adobe PDF Reader. If you do not have it, you may download it here.
Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act
To be completed by new employees.
CBS MarketWatch
This investment supersite provides links to stock quotes, IRA information, financial news, mutual funds, stock recommendations, investment message boards and much more.
The largest airport foreign exchange, foreign currency, currency exchange, Bureau de change and foreign money provider. Providing competitive exchange rates, travelers cheques and online currency converters.
Oanda Foreign Exchange
Oanda, The Currency Site: Foreign Exchange Services and Trading
The Internal Revenue Service
Downloadable tax forms and publications as well as a lot of great tax advice.
Social Security Administration
Learn how the Social Security Administration can help with your retirement, medicare, disability, survivorship and other benefit questions.
U.S. Small Business Administration
You don’t need an MBA to use the SBA. This site outlines everything in plain English. The SBA site contains a wealth of information for entrepreneurs and small business owners.
U.S. Department of Commerce
A thorough overview of the Commerce Department and the organizations under its banner
Retirement Plan Comparison Guide
IRS retirement plan comparison guide for small businesses. See at a glance the features of each type of plan, to help select the best plan for your business.
Federal Consumer Information Center
Not only a catalog of free and low-cost federal publications of consumer interest, but also a wealth of information on other subjects such as product recalls, the latest scams and frauds, and more.
Department of Revenue
Washington State Department of Revenue
Employment Security
Employment Security Department – Unemployment
Labor & Industries
Department of Labor and Industries – Workers Compensation
Corproate Division
Secretary of State Corporate Division
Apply for a Business License
Apply for, renew, or search for a business license.
ABC’s of Real Estate
Ad-free, in depth, step-by-step tutorials on buying, selling, and mortgaging your home. The site includes a comprehensive glossary of Real Estate terminology. A must visit site for homeowners or prospective home buyers!
Real estate values
AutoAdvice Car Buyers Guide
This site, while not ad free, has first rate advice to car buyers. It is sponsored by a company that provides quotes on cars. Nevertheless it is the best source of information we’ve been able to find on the net for car buyers and is written in plain English, including buy vs. lease, shopping around, negotiating, top ten mistakes made by car buyers, sneaky stuff to look out for, and more.
Edmunds Car Buying Guide is the best place for up to the minute news. Superb coverage of major world events as well as a link to local news.
New York Times
An eight page digest of the New York Times presenting the highlights of the front-page articles, the top foreign, national and business news, sports, results, the daily crossword puzzle, and a selection of editorials and commentaries.
Money Magazine
Money Magazine online edition is a outstanding resource for tax, real estate, insurance and retirement information.
The Economist
The Economist -international economic news
Learn how to best save for your children’s college education. Find out how 529 Plans and Coverdell Education Savings Accounts can help you save wisely.
Washington State GET guaranteed tuition
GET Guaranteed Education Tuition helps families save for college. With GET you prepay for your child\’s college tuition today You account is guaranteed to keep up with rising tution, and can be used at nearly any public or private college in the country.
U.S. News’ College Center
A vast storehouse of information on higher learning. Take the College Personality Quiz, view the rankings of America’s best colleges, compare several schools with customizable side-by-side comparisons, and that’s just the beginning.
National Council of Higher Education
Based in Washington, DC, the National Council of Higher Education Loan Programs, Inc. (NCHELP) represents a nationwide network of guaranty agencies, secondary markets, lenders, loan servicers, collectors, schools and other organizations involved in the administration of the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP). Since its founding, NCHELP has represented its members on public policy and regulatory issues with the legislative and executive branches of the federal government.
Federal Student Aid
FAFSA – the application for federal student aid
Investopedia Stock Market Simulation Game
Sign up free and $100,000 of virtual cash is placed in your account. Build your portfolio with any stock that trades on a major North American exchange. Your account simulates all aspects of investing with an online brokerage and tracks what happens to your investments. Continue to test investment strategies and learn advanced trading techniques such as short selling, trading with margin, and buying options. You can even create your own groups and challenge your friends.
Try the free shareware version of Gazillionaire, the award-winning game of business strategy. Become a mogul or tycoon in this out-of-this-world economic simulation game and build a financial empire. Yahoo! Computer Life Magazine declares: “If you’ve dreamed of becoming an extra-terrestrial Trump, Gazillionaire is the answer to your greedy little prayers.”
Industry Player
This is a free massive online gaming experience with more than 3500 players world wide. This is real competition with real business people, so be prepared for some real challenges. You start with $10 million to invest in up 5 companies. Select from 150 products and begin production. A holding’s rate of capital growth depends entirely on how well a player manages borrowings, product prices, profit margins, production of stock, up-sizing capacity and liquidation to buy into more expensive licenses, as the Holding progresses up the “High Score Rankings”. Trades are in real time and can be with other players or the billions of virtual consumers.