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Client Guides

Tips and tricks written by the Greenwood Ohlund tax team, just for you.

Client Guides

Internal Guides for Tax Clients

What is SafeSend?

SafeSend is a one-stop shop for engagement letters, fillable organizers, secure source document gathering, tax return assembly and delivery with eSign.

Client Benefits:
  • Secure access without a password
  • Digital, fillable organizers
  • Secure source document upload
  • Tax return summary display
  • Automated eSign and payment reminders
  • Electronic K-1 distribution
How will I receive my electronic engagement letter and tax organizer?

You will receive an email from [email protected] with the subject line “Action Required: start your 2024 tax return with your GO client portal”

Do I have to set up an account with SafeSend to access my engagement letter and tax organizer?

No username or password is required! If you’d like to bypass setting up an account, choose “Let’s Get Started” instead of “Access Client Portal.”

What is the Client Portal?

A centralized, easy to use taxpayer dashboard. Allows clients to collect important documents and tasks all in the same place within a single, secure access point.

Client Portal functionality includes:

  • Task List: Clients’ to-do items sent by the firm through SafeSend products.
  • Document Repository: All files exchanged between client and firm, including both received and uploaded documents. The repository can be downloaded, sorted, and searchable.
  • Unified K-1 Distribution Page: All entities requiring K-1 distributions are displayed on a single page.
  • Tax Payment Page: Clients can manage estimated and actual tax payment vouchers for all returns and extensions from a centralized location.
How do I create a Client Portal account with SafeSend?
  1. Choose “Access Client Portal.”
  2. On the account log in page, below the “Continue” button, choose “Sign Up.”
  3. Register your account by entering your name and email address.
  4. Verify your email by entering the one-time access code that was sent to the email address entered on the previous screen.
  5. Create and confirm 6-digit PIN.
  6. Using your new credentials, log in to your account.
  7. Verify your identity one last time, with a one-time access code.
  8. Welcome to your new Client Portal!
What are the steps for getting the 2024 tax return process started?

It depends on if you clicked “Let’s Get Started” (no account set up required) or “Access Client Portal” (set up an account through SafeSend).

If you chose “Let’s Get Started:”

    1. After receiving the Gather request noted above, click on “Let’s Get Started.”
    2. Verify your identity by pressing the “Send Code” button and entering the one-time access code delivered to your email address.
    3. You will be directed to your welcome page. On the bottom left will be a list of steps required to complete your gather request. Choose “Get Started” to move to the first step.
    4. Electronically sign and date the engagement letter. The engagement letter must be signed by the taxpayer first and then the spouse (if applicable). If you have a spouse, you will be prompted to enter your spouse’s email address.
    5. Fill out the questionnaire.
    6. Complete your tax organizer. If you have a spouse, only one person can work on the organizer at a time.
    7. If applicable, upload source tax documents. This can be done while working through the organizer. At the end of the organizer process, you will see a “Requested Files” section in which you can upload additional documents. If any of the Requested Files are not relevant to 2024, please check the “NA” next to the document name in question. If there are no Requested Files, click “Save and Close,” which will submit your engagement letter and questionnaire.
    8. If you uploaded files, click “Finish” and you’re done! If applicable, please remind your spouse to check their email and sign the engagement letter. Your CRS will reach out to you if we need more information from you to complete your tax filing.

If you chose “Access Client Portal:”

    1. After receiving the Gather request noted above, click on “Access Client Portal.”
    2. Log in using the email address and PIN you created. If you haven’t done this yet, please see “How do I create a Client Portal account with SafeSend?” above.
    3. From your Client Portal, under Waiting for Action, choose the “Get Started” box after the 2024 Gather Request action item.
    4. You will be directed to your welcome page. On the bottom left will be a list of steps required to complete your gather request. Choose “Get Started” to move to the first step.
    5. Electronically sign and date the engagement letter. The engagement letter must be signed by the taxpayer first and then the spouse (if applicable). If you have a spouse, you will be prompted to enter your spouse’s email address.
    6. Fill out the questionnaire.
    7. Complete your tax organizer. If you have a spouse, only one person can work on the organizer at a time.
    8. If applicable, upload source tax documents. This can be done while working through the organizer. At the end of the organizer process, you will see a “Requested Files” section in which you can upload additional documents. If any of the Requested Files are not relevant to 2024, please check the “NA” next to the document name in question. If there are no Requested Files, click “Save and Close,” which will submit your engagement letter and questionnaire.
    9. If you uploaded files, click “Finish” and you’re done! If applicable, please remind your spouse to check their email and sign the engagement letter. Your CRS will reach out to you if we need more information from you to complete your tax filing.
What if I have questions while using SafeSend?

Please use the resource links below or reach out to your CRS. CRS stands for Client Responsible Staff, and it’s your main contact on the Greenwood Ohlund tax team. If you’re unsure of who your CRS is, please email [email protected].

Client Resources:

SafeSend Gather Client Experience – Step by step instructions on how to use Gather on desktop.

Client Experience: Gather on Mobile – Step by step instructions on how to use Gather on a mobile device.

[Video] Gather Client Experience – Video showing a typical organizer experience from the taxpayer perspective.

How are my taxes affected by tax law changes in 2024?

Click here to see our Key Tax Considerations.

I would like to meet with my tax preparer before/during/after the tax return is prepared. How do I schedule an appointment?

Please note, our office is now open by appointment only. You can call or email your accountant directly or email [email protected] and we will happily schedule an appointment.

You can use the links below to schedule an appointment directly with the following members:

Amanda O’Rourke, Managing Partner:

Claire Chow, Tax Partner:

Eric Kimpton, Senior Tax Manager:

Stacy Rose: Senior Tax Manager:

How do I check the status of my tax return?

You can check the status of your tax return by either contacting your accountant, or by calling or emailing our office.

What is the best way to provide GO my supporting documentation?

The most secure method is to upload your information to your SafeSend Client Portal. If you do not have a portal, you can upload your documents here. You can change the upload recipient to your specific accountant by clicking on the “To” recipient line. Additionally, you can email files directly to our staff by using the upload links in their email signatures. We do not recommend sending sensitive tax data in an unencrypted email or in email attachments. Please provide passwords to any secured files.

A photo taken with a phone generally does not provide us with a clear enough image of the form to easily read each line item and amount. This often results in additional preparation time to verify your information or can lead to higher inaccuracy. Did you know you can use your smartphone to scan documents to PDF? See the following block: Using Your Phone to Scan Tax Documents for Digital Submission for instructions.

When do I need to have all my information provided to GO to meet the deadlines?

In order to meet the filing deadline for your 2024 income tax return, your completed questionnaire, signed engagement letter, and all relevant source documents must be received by our office 6-8 weeks before the March or April 15 deadline. Depending on the complexity of your return, it may take less or more time. If your return is not ready by the deadline, we will file an extension on your behalf.

What if I need GO to file an extension?

We are happy to file an extension on your behalf. If you have a balance due, please note that extending your tax return does not extend the due date for payment. Tax due should be reasonably estimated and paid by the original deadline. Please let us know if we can assist in calculating your extension payment.

If you would like us to file an extension form on your behalf, please contact your accountant directly or email: [email protected].

Do I need to prepare any Forms 1099?

See the 1099 Form Filing Requirements block below.

For security and convenience, we prefer you submit electronic source documents in PDF format.

Pictures or images of documents taken with your cell phone (.JPEG files) are often blurry and difficult to read. Our preferred format is PDF. Most tax documents and forms can be received directly from the source to your email. If not and you don’t have access to a scanner, you can follow the instructions below to turn your cellphone into a scanning device.

As you prepare your tax documents for submission, please keep the following tips in mind!

Scan Using an iPhone:

How to scan documents on your iPhone or iPad – Apple Support

  1. Using the Notes app, open an existing note or create a new one
  2. Depending on your phone, either click the Paperclip icon or Camera button
  3. Choose Scan Documents
  4. Position the document in view of the camera
  5. If in auto mode, your document will scan automatically. If in manual mode, tap the shutter button to scan
  6. Drag the corners to adjust the scan to fit, then click Keep Scan
  7. If needed, add additional documents to the scan
  8. When done, tap Save
  9. Within note, tap share button and choose Save to Files
Scan Using an Android:

How to Scan Documents to PDF With Your Android Phone’s Camera

  1. Open Google Drive app
  2. Tap the floating “+” button on bottom right
  3. Select Scan
  4. Position document in frame and tap the shutter button to scan
  5. If scan looks good, tap the checkmark
  6. To add another page, tap Add Page button
  7. Tap Next
  8. Name the file and choose which folder to save to
Sharing PDF Documents with Us:

If you’re emailing someone from Greenwood Ohlund, our email signatures have a secure “Send Me Documents” link. If you’ve created a Client Portal account via SafeSend, navigate to Documents, and then click Send Files in the top right corner. If you do not have a portal, you can upload your documents here.

Do I need to prepare any Forms 1099?

Businesses and rental properties are required to file Form 1099-NEC or 1099-MISC, to each person you paid in your trade or business activity at least $600 in rents, services and professional fees. Typically, payments to landlords, subcontractors, lawyers, accountants, etc. require the filing of Forms 1099.

Some payments do not require reporting:

  • Payments to corporations
  • Payments for merchandise, telephone, freight, and other similar items
  • Payment of rent to third party real estate agents or property managers
  • Payments made with credit cards

You can no longer paper file your 1099s if you have 10 or more. You must efile your 1099s.

Forms 1099 should be filed with the IRS and mailed to the recipient no later than January 31. Significant penalties apply to late filing or failure to file Forms 1099.
The IRS requires you to have the name, address, and identification number of the person or company you pay, by collecting a Form W-9, before issuing a payment.

If you would like us to prepare any Forms 1099 for you, please let us know as soon as possible.